Jan Kubíček

Quotations from texts

I used the wonderful opportunity to create a project, a specific form, that isn't inspired by figurative or visual experiences, but is instead constructed by thinking in a subjectively autonomous manner through a process of developing an independent character, form, structure, etc.

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Things I had developed during the 60s and 70s were heading in their form and substance toward more of an architectural sculpture rather than a hanging image. Their own purpose and functions should therefore be integrating and blending into other larger architectural forms and contexts. Only then, the true unity of a form and content would occur. Otherwise everything remains in the midway, so-called prototype project. An ideological concept or schedule without implementation.

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The idea of a splitting principle is realized consequently with a minimum or maximum resource. Puritanical, clearly, on an edge of a knife. Everything and nothing. These are the artistic definitions. I still return to it, even after years, when I was working on developing more robust structures.

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Painting mostly used and uses the image area of a surface as a projection plane, which translates external visual spatial relationships of space. It is thus a sort of imitation of these spatial relationships that always ends in a conversion of an illusory space. Important are the dimensions and proportions creating its specific surface area. Dividing its dimensions with lines, the ratio of the line to the area or to a character on the area. These are one of the elementary laws of this art surface area, which I am trying to solve.

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The outside world is more or less a beautiful backdrop, an environment in which I physically move, breathe and live. What I want to say, though, is different: in the middle of this visual, a parallel world appears to me, where the idea, movement and developing regulations constantly force me to crystallize things into a communicable form, meaningful statements about laws and systems.

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News: First book presenting Kubíček's lifetime work was published.

Riese, Hans-Peter, Jan Kubíček (Prague: Kant, 2014)

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Works by Jan Kubíček in the new catalog of collections of European concrete and Constructivist art, Die Hubertus Schoeller Stiftung.

Unsere Werte, bilingual ed. (Cologne: Wienand Verlag, 2014)