Jan Kubíček

Later work

In year 2002, Kubíček's studio was badly damaged by the flood taking almost two years before he could return to it. Limited conditions at his apartment during this time, forced him to devote to techniques that didn't require as much space as the previous cycles of large canvases.

He began to draw a lot, which was only natural, since drawing was a parallel activity beside his freeform art that he devoted his whole life to. He used it to develop different stages of his ideas behind his work, checking new principles and creating full parallels to the paintings sharing the same concept.

In the first decade of 2000 Kubíček created a numerous cycle named “Progression”. He returned to some of his older principles, summarizing them into developmental series, conceiving them from the simplest to the most complex structures. He also returned to his base element: the letter “L”, and examined the variations of its relative position—freely and without strictly logical approach. He became more playful with the color range and variation, thus creating an effect similar to those beaming signals from the 60s. Kubíček applied the geo-constructions of the element of “L” in geometric collages, prints and a series of several smaller images.